Bank Branches

Bank Branches

Customers of Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda, account holders and non-account holders of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo can pay the toll, pay the reminders and reload the Pedemontana Rechargeable at all ATMs of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo, by accessing the CBILL/PAGOPA Service.

For account holders of Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo, the above-mentioned payment and recharge functions are also available on the Group’s Internet Banking and Corporate Banking channels, again through the CBILL Service. For use of the service, there is a guaranteed transaction commission of EUR 0.50.

Payment reminders can also be settled at all ATMs of the Banking Institutions belonging to the CBI Consortium ( via the CBILL Service. In case payment is made at a Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo branch, the user will be charged a commission of EUR 0.50; at all other Banking Institutions, please refer to the contractual agreements entered into individually.

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